Launched earlier this year, the XMPN is a free community for XM professionals who want to learn, connect, advance their careers, and shape the future of the XM profession. Members of the XMPN can participate in a variety of interactive offerings, such as the XMPN Online Forum, Expert Q&A sessions, Topic of the Month discussions, Virtual Meetups, and, when safe, local in-person XMPN events.

As we look back on August, XMPN members engaged in a variety of engaging discussions — from debating whether organizations should retire their annual engagement surveys to sharing research and resources to better understand CX outcomes. The XMPN’s global footprint grew as we welcomed new members from all over the globe, including Nigeria, Poland, Iceland, Bolivia, and South Africa! Our new members bring knowledge from a range of industries, including airline, food retail, pharmacy, government, and childcare.  


XMPN Member Highlight: Lindsay Lunter

Linsday is Senior Manager of Customer Experience at the direct-to-consumer arm of Nestle Waters North America based in Connecticut.

Lindsay’s passion for XM is rooted in the art and science behind why someone makes a decision. She studied Sociology and Business Analytics, and the intersection of the two fit nicely with XM. She’s able to understand what makes a great experience and using data, can show her organization why XM is important for sustainability and growth.

  • What is her current focus? Lindsay is overseeing the implementation of “Premium CX” work identified from her organization’s CX research studies and Voice of the Customer data; targeting key opportunities where they miss the mark with customers against their expectations.
  • What recent success is she proud of? Lindsay’s biggest XM success was presenting key CX insights to her Executive Team, ultimately leading the organization to the cross-functional “Premium CX” program she’s currently overseeing.
  • What does she enjoy outside of work? When she’s not at work, Lindsay spends a lot of time doing yard work at her new two-acre farmhouse with her beagle, Charlie, by her side.
  • Why did she join the XMPN?  “I joined to continue learning from the great XM professionals, but also as a way to understand how other organizations tackle CX challenges in the real-world. Organizations can talk-the-talk, but can they walk-the-walk?”


August Events Recap

August’s Virtual Meetups focused on uncovering bias in employee data to improve employee experience gaps. The research that feeds employee experiences is often unintentionally biased and results in experience gaps (at best) and inequities (at worst). XM Scientist Cecelia Herbert and XM Catalyst Moira Dorsey co-presented and shared practical ways to understand how EX professionals can look across current data to identify bias that exists in an organization’s research. The group discussed key takeaways to apply diversity and inclusion principles to improve experiences for all employees within an organization. View the event recap and add your thoughts to the discussion on the XMPN Online Forum. Not a member? Join us today. 

The August Topic of the Month kicked off with a presentation from XM Catalyst Luke Williams on the Enlighten competency and the four types of learning in quantitative and qualitative approaches. Luke’s presentation shared data points about the U.S. market in August 2020 and key skills to hone your expertise in uncovering and sharing insights across your organization. XMPN members can view the recording and join the discussion at any time. 


Upcoming Events:

As summer wraps up, the XMPN has a variety of offerings for members in September. September’s Topic of the Month kicked off with a brief presentation from XM Catalyst Isabelle Zdatny exploring how organizations can identify and create experiences that will differentiate them from competitors. Learn more about September’s Topic of the Month and participate in the discussion here.

We’re excited to have Bruce Temkin, Head of the XM Institute, host our September Virtual Meetup to discuss ways to keep your XM program action-oriented. XM Institute research shows that companies that successfully applied XM during the pandemic focused on driving action across their organizations. Bruce will share learnings from the research and lead a group discussion on how to ensure XM programs remain action-oriented. Learn more and register for the Virtual Meetup here.


The bottom line: There’s a wealth of resources and peer knowledge waiting for you in the XMPN! 

Ashley Elder is the XM Professionals Network Leader with the Qualtrics XM Institute