In our latest global study, we asked more than 16,000 employees across 24 countries about their relationship with their primary employers. As part of that research, we examined whether or not those employees agreed with these statements: 

  • My primary employer needs to do a better job of listening to my feedback
  • I would work harder if my primary employer treated me better

As you can see in the figure below:

  • Most employees aren’t being listened to… On average across the 24 countries, 61% of employees agree that their primary employer needs to do a better job of listening to their feedback. In 17 of the 24 countries, more than half of employees share this desire. At the top of the list, 85% of Indian employees agree with the statement, followed by 79% of Indonesian and Vietnamese employees. At the bottom of the list, 45% or less of the employees in the Netherlands, Germany, and New Zealand feel that employers need to do a better job of listening to their feedback.
  • … and want to be treated better. On average, 62% of employees agree that they would work harder if their primary employer treated them better. In 15 countries, more than half of employees share this sentiment. At the top of the list, 88% of Indian employees would work harder if their primary employer treated them better, followed by four countries that are at 80% or higher: China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. At the bottom of the list, two countries fall below 45%: Germany and the Netherlands.


When six out of ten employees feel like they’re not being listened to and aren’t being treated well, is it a surprise that so many are looking for new jobs? That’s a pretty compelling argument for building up your Employee Experience efforts.


The bottom line: Start listening to employees and treating them better.

Bruce Temkin, XMP, CCXP, is the Head of Qualtrics XM Institute