We recently released the 2018 Temkin Experience Ratings (TxR) that ranks the customer experience of 318 companies across 20 industries based on a survey of 10,000 U.S. consumers. TxR is based on consumers evaluating their experiences across three dimensions: success, effort, and emotion.

Congratulations to Dish Network for earning the top customer experience rating across TV & Internet service providers. Although this industry has once again came in last place out of 20 industries, with an average rating of 54%.

Of the nine providers included in this year’s Ratings, Dish earned the highest score with a rating of 61%, putting it in 266th place overall out of 318 companies across 20 industries. In fact, Dish is the only TV/Internet service provider to deliver an “okay” experience. Consumers rated the rest of the providers’ customer experience as “poor” or “very poor.”

Dish Network’s and AT&T’s customer experience scores improved the most over the previous year as each gained three percentage points. Charter Spectrum’s score, on the other hand, declined the most, dropping by eight points.

You can download the free report.

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This blog post was originally published by Temkin Group prior to its acquisition by Qualtrics in October 2018.