Temkin Group has labeled 2018 and also 2019, “The Year of Humanity.”


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.


We Can All Make A Difference As Individuals

With all of the discord and tension throughout the world, it seems like a good time for all of us to refocus on what’s most important, our collective humanity. Our goal is to promote the following mindset:

  • Embrace diversity. Recognize our differences and find ways to treat people as individuals.
  • Extend compassion. Tune into the condition of the people around us and care about their well-being.
  • Express appreciation. Proactively look for and acknowledge the positive aspects of the world around us.


What Can We Do Professionally? Humanize CX!

In order to translate the push for humanity across the CX community, Temkin Group created the concept, Humanize CX, which we define as:

Thinking about people first in every activity and endeavor

It can be enticing to look at an organization’s efforts through the lens of its technologies or processes, but those are just conduits to the ultimate objective: people. Since organizational success is driven by engaged employees and loyal customers, it’s important to focus on the underlying needs and behaviors of these human beings.

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In order to Humanize CX, companies should adopt three principles: Act with Purpose, Create Positive Memories, and Cultivate Deep Empathy.

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Insights to Humanize CX

Temkin Group started the “Humanize CX” effort in order to help individuals expand both their understanding of and their focus on how to propel humanity in their efforts. To this end, we will be researching, publishing, and speaking on the topic throughout this year. Here are some of our recent content:


Pledge to Humanize CX

We also want you (the readers of this blog) to participate in making 2018 a breakthrough year for propelling humanity.

We hope that individuals will pledge to humanize CX within their organizations and within their lives. To take the pledge, simply write, “I pledge to humanize CX,” in the comment box below and proudly display this badge wherever you like.

We hope that you will also use the comment box below to share how you’ve been able to propel humanity in your personal and/or professional life.

Also, get the word out on twitter with the hashtag #HumanizeCX

#HumanizeCX Tweets

This blog post was originally published by Temkin Group prior to its acquisition by Qualtrics in October 2018.