We’re often asked to help people who have recently taken on new responsibilities in customer experience (which is commonly abbreviated as CX). Since it’s important for anyone in the field to understand the core principles of CX, I’ve put together this post and called it “CX for Smarties.” Anyone who cares enough about CX to read this post is not a dummy.


What is CX?

This video shows the definition of CX (the perception that customers have of their interactions with an organization) as well as three elements of an experience (success, effort, and emotion).



Why Should You Care About CX?

This graphic from the report “The ROI of Customer Experience, 2016” shows the connection between CX and loyalty. This “Ultimate CX Infographic” also provides some of the compelling economics of CX:

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How Do Organizations Affect CX?

To understand how companies create customer experience, you need to understand The Six Laws of CX (free eBook), which are described below in the short video.


How Do You Build a Customer-Centric Culture?

Temkin Group’s research has shown that customer experience leaders demonstrate four CX core competencies: Purposeful Leadership, Compelling Brand Values, Employee Engagement, and Customer Connectedness.

Most companies have not mastered these competencies and remain in lower levels of CX maturity. This chart is from a post that discusses the shift from early levels of CX maturity (fluff) versus upper levels (tough).

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The bottom line: Hopefully you’ve become a CX smarty!

This blog post was originally published by Temkin Group prior to its acquisition by Qualtrics in October 2018.