Every organization makes some mistakes, so an important area of loyalty is the willingness of customers to forgive them. That’s why Temkin Group has been measuring forgiveness for eight years.

This product is the dataset, in excel, for the 2018 Temkin Forgiveness Ratings (TFR). It uses feedback from 10,000 U.S. consumers to rate how likely consumers are to forgive 318 organizations across 20 industries after they make a mistake. It includes the TFR for 318 companies and 20 industries, the changes in TFR between 2017 and 2018, and the difference in TFR across age groups for each industry.

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Additional highlights of the 2018 Temkin Forgiveness Ratings:

  • Between 2017 and 2018, 14 of the 20 industries experienced declines in their average TFR. Wireless and supermarkets (+2.1 %-points) improved the most (+2.3 %-points), while utilities (-5.) and hotels & rooms dropped the most (-4.2 %-points).
  • Of the 308 companies that were in both the 2017 and 2018 TFR, 272 companies experienced a drop in their scores. The five companies to improve the most are Starz, MetroPCS, Fifth Third, Domino’s, and Dairy Queen. The five companies to decline the most are Bosch, Appalachian Power Company, HSBC, AmazonFresh, and Motel 6.

This blog post was originally published by Temkin Group prior to its acquisition by Qualtrics in October 2018.