How should an organization embed Experience Management (XM) into its operating fabric? By building a set of XM-specific Competencies, which are enabled by technology and nurtured by its culture. As these Competencies mature and the discipline of XM expands throughout the organization, people across the business will need to change how they do their everyday jobs.

To help spread XM-centric mindsets, capabilities, and behaviors, XM professionals should use an approach we call the XM Diffusion Cycle (XMDC), which is made up of three repeating stages: Infusion, Absorption, and Recalibration.

Watch this video to learn how you can follow these three stages to build XM-centric competencies across your organization. To learn more about the XMDC, check out the original report, The XM Diffusion Cycle, which introduces this set of techniques and highlights best practices from our research with over 50 organizations. For a deeper exploration of what the XMDC looks like in action, watch the webinar on Expanding XM Capabilities & Behaviors: How Goldman Sachs Leverages the XM Diffusion Cycle.