As part of our annual U.S. consumer benchmark study, we asked respondents to evaluate their recent experiences with organizations across 22 industries, including Net Promoter Score (NPS)1, a popular CX metric organizations use to track and increase the likelihood of customer recommending their business.
Of the 22 industries included in this study, grocers earned the highest NPS, with an average score of 34.4, while car rental companies received the lowest with an average of 15.8. Use these insights to compare your organization’s NPS to your industry’s average and track how you perform relative to companies in other industries that may be setting your customers’ expectations.
To calculate the NPS for each industry, we asked 10,000 people to evaluate 354 brands as part of our 2024 U.S. consumer benchmark study2. Respondents provided Net Promoter Scores for companies they had recently interacted with, and we averaged those individual company scores to produce an average rating for each industry. If you are a Qualtrics CX client and interested in methodology, additional benchmark metrics, or a list of companies included in this research, you can access the benchmark editor through Qualtrics.
For more NPS-related data and guidance, check out our research into the Economics of NPS and our post with Advice for Propelling Your Net Promoter Score Program. To see how industries’ performance in 2024 compares to their scores in 2023, check out last year’s version of the data snippet: XMI Customer Ratings – NPS, 2023 (by Industry). If you are a Qualtrics CX client and interested in methodology, additional benchmark metrics, or a list of companies included in this research, you can access the benchmark editor through Qualtrics.
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- The Ratings are calculated using the standard NPS method. Net Promoter Score, Net Promoter, and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Sametrix, and Fred Reichheld.
- The XM Institute 2024 Q3&4 US Consumer study surveyed 10,000 consumers about 354 brands across 22 industries.