Customers perceive their experience with an organization across three dimensions: success (whether they can accomplish their goal), effort (how easy or difficult is it to accomplish their goal), and emotion (how the experience makes them feel).
To understand how each of these three elements affects customers’ likelihood to recommend an organization – a common CX metric – we asked 10,000 U.S. consumers to rate their experiences with 319 U.S. companies across 20 industries. Respondents evaluated their experiences with the organizations they’d recently interacted with across the three dimensions and also indicated how likely they would be to recommend that company on a scale from 0 (“not at all likely”) to 10 (“extremely likely”).
This data snippet shows that customers who give organizations higher success, effort, and emotion ratings are at least 4x more likely to recommend the organizations than customers who give them a low rating. For more information and benchmark results on consumers’ customer experiences, check out the full ROI of Customer Experience, 2020 report.
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